Thursday, April 24, 2014

Millionaire in 2014

I got SOOOO tired of all the hype out there that I almost quit marketing online to make money.

But when I saw THIS video, I changed my mind because I am a believer and an action taker.

See what you think, ok? Despite the excitement and apparent "hype", I do believe this is all true. You will too no doubt.
Immediately, Watch This Video all The Way Through.
So, my question for you is:
  1. Are you a Believer?
    1. Do you believe in yourself?
    2. Do you believe the math?
  2. Will you and can you Take Action?
    1. Share this and teach others
  3. Can you help 4 others with our Pay It Forward plan?
    1. Help 4 others at $18 each = $72 (less than the $100 I mentioned, right?)
  4. Do you like Duplication ?
Call me below if you would like me to put you in and you agree to the 4 steps above. My Bonuses if you join me to get you to millionaire status even faster: 1. I'll make you a blog post like this with your links in it. (your picture too, not mine!) 2. I'll refer all my daily leads to your blog post. 3. I'll call all your leads with you to get them in. 4. I'll share my best lead sources with you if you want to get more folks in. I am really EXCITED for you. You should be too!


Feel free to call or write at any time.  Fred Raley Woodbridge, VA (703) 203-4648 Skype: FredRaley FaceBook: Read: About Fred p.s. Drop by to read this exciting blog post: "Trash Man to the Cash Man" p.p.s. I will show you how to make a blog like this for FREE with your info on it if you like.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Easy $10K per month plan

Interested in starting your own business but worried about the cost, the marketing system, the plan, the leads, etc.?
One thing I always do is give you a complete plan.  Nothing left out.  If you look at some of the other offers out there, you will usually find you need to generate your own leads.  That is the Achilles heal for most folks until they learn how to do that.  Look at step 4 below.  I don’t leave you out to dry on that point.
Here is a short plan to get you to the $10K/month level.
1.  Watch this short presentation:  Get Paid Daily
2.  If interested, then watch this 8 minute presentation: Fast Start Cash
3.  Ready to start earning?  Join our team at:  Join Our Power Team
4.  Get your leads ($29 for 30) so you get get your plan going:  Build Your Business Right (get “Real Time, USA leads”  ($29 for 30).  They LOVE this!
5.  Teach your team how to duplicate this simple process.
If you have a faster plan to reach $10K/month, call me!
Check out my $100K/Year Plan too while you are here.

Questions? Feel free to call or write at any time.

Fred RaleyFred Raley
Woodbridge, VA
(703) 203-4648
Skype: FredRaley
FaceBook: Read: About Fred
p.s. Drop by to read this exciting blog post: “Trash Man to the Cash Man

Sunday, March 2, 2014

800 number marketing

800 Number Marketing

Here's a great idea to expand your marketing easily and cheaply!

Use an 800# to record a short teaser message about your business or product.

You can do this in under 4 hours and start getting new prospects immediately.
FYI; 888, 877 and 866 #s are also toll-free now. Get an actual 800# if possible to avoid confusion for those that might not know. If you do get one of the non-800 #s, just tell folks that it is toll free or free or something to let them know it's no charge.
Check out this 800 number marketing info video:

Why use an 800 number in your marketing

  1. Free for your prospect to use
  2. Avoids spam filter in emails unlike URLs which frequently get blocked by spam filters
  3. Easy to use
  4. Work great on postcards or flyers or rear-window advertisements

Here's how to set up your own 800 number marketing campaign

  1. Get your 800# at I have used them for years. Good prices and great service.
  2. Record your teaser message on your new 800 number. Example: 800-409-4429 Keep it short to keep your cost down. Include your CTA (Call To Action) at the end to give the prospect the next step.
    1. Extra credit: Set up a toll line with a 20 to 40 minute business presentation. For this, I recommend Another great service at a good price. Example: (703) 348-3999
    2. More extra credit: Learn how to hyperlink your phone numberss in your blogs. Here's how: use the "Link" icon like you were going to do a web address. Instead of http:// put in tel: and then the phone number with no spaces or dashes.
      Example: (703) 348-3999
      1. Why hyperlink phone numbers? When someone sees a hyperlinked phone # on their smart phone, they can 'click the link' (i.e. your 800 number or any phone number you put in) and their phone will call the number without them having to type it in. You might have noticed that GMail does this to phone #s in your GMail inbox.
    3. Notes on using a website in your 800 number: You can also use your 800# to tell folks to go to your website. If you do this, make sure you have a short and easy to say and hear URL to give them. Short words or phrases work best. Don't ever use a long URL with + or = or /'s or periods.
      Examples: or
  3. More extra credit: Design your own website with your 800 number in the URL. Example: Here's how:
    1. Grab free website design software at
      1. Or use the easy editor provided at GDI:
    2. Make your own free banners at They charge maybe $25/year but have a nice interface that works fine. I made mine there and used them on There are other banner maker sites available that make nice banners
    3. After you have designed your site, you will want to upload it to your domain. FileZilla is free at and pretty easy to understand. Check YouTube for instructions on any of these free programs. Easy to find (I even found a video showing how to put on a rear-windshield-wiper on my car on YouTube!)
    4. Congratulations! You did it!

Enjoy your new marketing addition using 800 number marketing tactics!

See how the New York Times uses 800 number marketing in their site.
Check out my $100K/Year Plan too while you are here.

Questions? Feel free to call or write at any time.

Fred RaleyFred Raley
Woodbridge, VA
(703) 203-4648
Skype: FredRaley
Read: About Fred
p.s. Drop by to read this exciting blog post: "Trash Man to the Cash Man"

Sunday, February 23, 2014

100 Percent Commission Traffic

100 Percent Commission Traffic

How would you like to have MORE traffic and get 100 Percent Commission Traffic at the same time?

Rick Katz has created a superb offer to online marketers. He combined the idea of top level solo ads with a "bulletin board" concept where members can post like crazy. And when you post on the bulletin board, you get solo ad credits.

I have known Rick for a number of years and consider him one of the best when it comes to traffic for marketers.

Rick's other venture is AdTroopers which is one of the best and most responsive safelist programs going.

Here is a short video I made describing the benefits of 100 Percent Commission Traffic:


Like I said in the video, grab yourself a spot for of 100 Percent Commission Traffic with me and Rick and watch your lead list grow, your influence grow and your business grow. This can't be beat!
Check out my $100K/Year Plan too while you are here.


Fred RaleyFred Raley
Woodbridge, VA
(703) 203-4648
Skype: FredRaley
FaceBook: Read: About Fred
p.s. Drop by to read this exciting blog post: "Trash Man to the Cash Man"

Saturday, February 22, 2014

How to Get on the First Page of Google

This is a topic that interests everyone: How to Get on the First Page of Google
Imagine all the traffic you could have if you can get your site or blog post or video on the first page of google for your chosen search term.
A couple of weeks ago, I watched a video from some guys who were doing just that. I took notes and, well, one thing led to another and it got pushed off the front burner until last week when I put it to the test.

How to Get on the First Page of Google

Here's what I did:
  1. I listened in to Eric Worre's How to Recruit 20 People in 30 Days webinar
  2. I took good notes, cleaned them up, then converted them into a 2 page PDF file .
  3. Uploaded the PDF to my blog.
  4. Then, I created a Google Hangout on Air to discuss the webinar
  5. Then I created a blog post on my personal blog discussing the webinar.
  6. I also created a Blogger blog post on the subject.
  7. During this process, I made sure to point back to my personal blog which made it the "authority site" and to the YouTube video to make it the authority video.
Result: I am on the first page of Google for the search term Eric Worre — How to Recruit 20 People in 30 Days
So, just to verify this process works, I used it again for the search term "How to Get on the First Page of Google"
The video here discusses some of the things he talked about and provides a link to get my notes in PDF format to help you. So, here's the video:
[niceyoutubelite id="QTaIMY1-Ofsk"]
Here is how to do it even faster with a HUGE audience of interested people: Fast $100K/Year Plan


Feel free to call or write at any time.
Fred Raley 
Fred Raley
Woodbridge, VA
(703) 203-4648
Skype: FredRaley
Read: About Fred
p.s. Drop by to read this exciting blog post: "Trash Man to the Cash Man"

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Eric Worre -- How to Recruit 20 People in 30 Days

Eric Worre -- How to Recruit 20 People in 30 Days

Eric's webinar today was fantastic.
It expanded on his previous teaching about 90-day blasts of activity in your business.
The video here discusses some of the things he talked about and provides a link to get my notes in PDF format to help you in case a.) you didn't take notes, or b.) you didn't see the webinar
So, here's the video:


Here is how to do it even faster with a HUGE audience of interested people: Fast $100K/Year Plan


Feel free to call or write at any time.
Fred RaleyFred Raley
Woodbridge, VA
(703) 203-4648
Skype: FredRaley
Read: About Fred
p.s. Drop by to read this exciting blog post: "Trash Man to the Cash Man"

Monday, January 27, 2014

Follow Up Marketing

Follow Up Marketing

Back in the mid 19902, I wrote an article, "Follow up or Die" outlining the importance of effective followup in your marketing strategy.

Some of the statistics are phenomenol: 80% of all sales are made between the 5th and 12th contacts

WOW. Where do you line up in your follow up marketing strategy?

Watch the video to get some ideas on how to fix it right now... for GOOD. will get you there.

Don't believe me? says 80% of sales are won after the 5th to 12th contact

What to do now

Urgently go over to and grab "Follow up or Die" to learn at least 5 methods you can implement immediately to increase your sales.
Follow Up Marketing is crucial to your business success.


Feel free to call or write at any time.
Fred Raley 
Fred Raley
Woodbridge, VA
(703) 203-4648
Skype: FredRaley
p.s. Drop by to read this exciting blog post: "Ready to Go Pro?"

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Phone OptIn SMS Marketing

Phone OptIn SMS Marketing is a fantastic new technology tool to add to your business plan.

SMS (Short Message Service) is the technology behind texting on smart phones. Wouldn't you know that marketers would get ahold of that to exploit it for our own purposes.

Obviously this is not something you can over-use or you will lose all your subscribers but it does have it's place.

SMS systems exist (Phone Optin is the one I use) that let a prospect or customer send a keyword to your SMS number (like a virtual phone number).

From there, the system send back a text asking for the prospects name and can even ask for an email address.

More on this fantastic new piece of technology can be found at Phone OptIn SMS Marketing

Here is a relevant NY Times Article on Text Message Marketing

All of my contact info below is current so feel free to call or write at any time.


Feel free to call or write at any time.

Fred Raley 
Fred Raley
Woodbridge, VA
(703) 203-4648
Skype: FredRaley
Read: About Fred

p.s. Drop by to read this exciting blog post:
"Need Tips For Starting Your Home Based Business? Try This Advice"